A Profound Inquiry: Who Am I in the Reflection?
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Chapter 1: The Enigma of Self-Identity
The question of our identity has captivated humanity for ages and continues to do so. Personally, I've come to realize that I am not merely a physical entity; I am an energetic being temporarily inhabiting a human form.
Through practices like meditation, breathwork, and psychedelic exploration, I've observed the physical realm becoming less solid and more fluid. On rare occasions, I've felt my entire body dissolve into nothingness.
“… to influence matter, you must become more energy and less matter, more wave and less particle.” — Dr. Joe Dispenza
Crucially, even in moments where I felt devoid of a physical form, a part of me remained aware. This sparked profound inquiries like:
As I gaze into the mirror — Am I the one experiencing change, or am I merely observing it?
And upon reflecting on my thoughts…
Am I my thoughts, or am I the observer of them?
In reality, it’s possible that I embody both roles. Let’s delve deeper into this concept.
“Matter is spirit moving slowly enough to be seen.” — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Section 1.1: The Changing Self
To be human means to exist as a unique individual while simultaneously being part of the larger tapestry of humanity. Denying our individuality would diminish the extraordinary journey that we each undertake in life.
There is an undeniably personal aspect of ourselves that evolves from infancy to old age, from birth to death. Our physical bodies bear witness to this transformation. We experience wear and tear in our joints, the emergence of wrinkles, greying hair, loss of teeth, fading eyesight, diminishing hearing, and increasingly fragile bones.
Thus, change is an undeniable aspect of life.
However, is that all there is to our identity?
Before we explore this further, consider ways to honor the evolving physical self:
- Exercise
- Yoga
- Lovemaking
- Massage
- A nutritious diet
Section 1.2: The Observer of Change
“Everything shifts once we recognize ourselves as the witness to the narrative, rather than the actor within it.” — Ram Dass
When my body transformed into a state of pure vibration, the question arose: who remained? This contemplation became a source of fascination.
In the absence of identity and personal narratives, who am I? It may seem contradictory to exist as both human and spiritual, bound yet limitless at the same time. Yet, that was precisely my experience.
Perhaps this is why Carl Jung stated:
“Only the paradox comes anywhere near to comprehending the fullness of life.”
Through meditation, Soma breathwork, and psychedelic experiences, a deeper truth has emerged within me. Although I may struggle to articulate it, I find solace in the words of Rumi, the great Persian mystic poet:
“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the ocean in a drop.”
Section 1.3: Honoring the Spiritual Observer
To nurture the spiritual aspect of ourselves that witnesses change, consider the following practices:
- Meditation
- Breathwork
- Dream interpretation
- Mindfulness techniques
Closing Thoughts
Science has established that 99.9% of all material existence consists of empty space. But what lies within that emptiness? It's not truly empty; it harbors countless gases, chemicals, particles, and compounds that combine to create the essence of life.
What propels their movement? Energy, of course. Since 99.9% of everything is energy, this energy can shift and take on infinite forms, altering its shape, size, and position as it flows.
The fascinating part is that our thoughts are the catalysts for this transformation.
“The thoughts we entertain send an electrical signal into the field. The emotions we cultivate magnetically attract events back to us. Together, our thoughts and feelings generate a state of being, producing an electromagnetic signature that influences every atom in our world.” — Dr. Joe Dispenza
When we perceive the universe as energy, and recognize that energy can manifest in countless ways, we can foster a new perspective on health, healing, and creativity. We can literally think ourselves into existence.
With clarity of vision, a strong emotional connection to that vision, and steadfast commitment to both, anything becomes achievable.
Energy does not simply change; it transforms. And we are inherently energetic beings, transcending our physicality.
I don’t know about you, but I find no insight more liberating than this realization.